Thursday, 29 August 2013

Real bands save fans, real fans save bands.

Andy Biersack : Stopped wearing what he used to wear, stopped the makeup and war paint, cut his hair short and stopped dying it black, became a busy guy and doesn't really have time to hang around with fans and all that. (got hated on by his own fans)

Kellin Quinn: Made an $80 package for the upcoming tour. (Got hated on by his own fans)

Tony Perry: Got a new neck tattoo and got his ears sewn (his own fans started hating on it)

And now Oli sykes : Got a new face tattoo, a feather, and his fans are already giving their hatred opinions on it.

Okay lets get one thing fucking straight.

Don't go crying yourself to sleep at night and get fucking depressed when people judge you for how you look or what you wear or do.

Andy: he doesn't have time to hang around his fans anymore because he's not a teenager anymore, this is basically his job there's no need to explain any further, and as I said before, he got tired of his old know having long hair is a pain in the fucking ass for a guy, so is putting on makeup and wearing warpaint, plus it's his own body he can do whatever he wants so please just stop.

Kellin: Really? you're hating on him and you're making all these damn jokes and he's not even the one who came up with the package, moreover the package is worth somewhere around $120 yet it's $80 and you don't really have to buy it if you don't want to.

Tony: Are you serious? And again it's his own body, if you like being judged then go ahead and judge him for doing things he wants with his own body.

Oli: No I'm not even gonna say anything more than the things I said up there.

Don't hate on them for making their own decisions, they're grown up and they realize what they're doing, also you're not really a fan if you're just going to judge them by their looks.

These decisions that they're making are showing us who's a true fan, and who's a fan of their looks.

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