Tuesday, 22 July 2014

There's no such thing as immortality.

All my life, I always felt unlucky. I used to always watch kids around me bubbling with laughter and filled with joviality, having a hand to hold, ears to confine secrets to, bodies to heat and fingers to wipe away their straining tears.

And then there's me. The only girl with no one but herself to hold and console.

I'm talking about friendship.

Not love but something else that is forever craved by a beating heart.

And my beating heart still lusts over it.

All my life I've never felt the magic behind friendship or maybe I have, for a fraction, but the magic soon turned into a black crow eating at my insides.

Friend ship has back stabbed me so many times.

I've lost the ability to pronounce the word friend let alone trust.

Every person I've let come near has abandoned me leaving nothing but open scars.

I've given up on frienship.

Be careful if you're reading this and trust me saying this. Never give a friend your full will and soul because they might hold on to it but the time will come when that hold tightens up only to crush.

And you'll be left unhealed.

I'm not being narcissistic like some might say, I have nothing against real friendship. If you've been so blessed as to have one then you're one in a million who's been oh so miraculously given mercy and shielded from the darkness that evolves around that word.


I just want to beg you all to never give anyone your full trust. Don't ever rely on someone like your whole being depended on them. They're not from the same blood. They'd never fully appreciate you back, no matter how close you are.

There's always a demon.

Some things are better unsaid.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Never let the tides push you around.

Hello everyone.

It's been such a long, long, looooong time since I've last written anything on my blog!
I hope you've stayed tuned because I still want to talk to you about a lot of things!
And what provoked me today to finally write this blog is the feeling of insecurity and self-consciousness I get all the time.

What happened precisely is that, I was casually scrolling through Tumblr, all happy and everything's okay until I saw a couple of pictures of beautiful girls and it suddenly hit me that I'll never be this pretty.
I'll never be confident enough to share my own pictures, "because let's face it" I told myself, "I'll just never be as pretty as them." At that moment, my mood crashed down and I felt completely awful.

Why did I feel that way? How could some pictures or mere ideas get to me so much? Why do I feel like I'm always supposed to keep up with all those "cool" girls as you may put it?

This matter has always haunted my thoughts and destroyed my confidence so many times.
And I'm sure it destroyed other girls' confidence too.

You start getting used to the feeling of being ugly, neglected, out of the league, unloved, not good enough.
And you start asking yourself, what does it take to be a tumblr girl? The ideal girl?

While the right question to ask is, "Why do I keep doing this to myself?"

Let's face it, you'll never be like those girls. Unless of course, you're naturally beautiful, then you don't need to read this blog! It's directed for all of you girls, like me, who believe they're not pretty or worthy enough.

Let's discuss this issue by issue.

I know most girls dream to be like those models on magazines or as we've said before on tumblr.
But I'm sure you won't feel the same after discovering the MAGIC OF MAKE-UP, because believe it or not, I've seen way too many girls, even on youtube, literally drowning themselves in make-up to look flawless. But what happens after they remove all that make-up? They get to see a whole new different person in the mirror. And some of them develop a strong attachment and need to use make-up that they feel completely and utterly ugly and unconfident without it, to the point where it could take control over their life and eventually back-fires against them.
Face it, you can't keep living with make-up covering your face. And at some point in your life, you'll have to face others (family, friends, boyfriend) without a mask and they'll have to love you for your real you not the "plastic" you.

And as it is known, none of those women on the magazines are real. It's all photoshop and adjustments.

Another thing I've been hearing a lot is, "I wanna be like that, I wanna be like this" to the point where the female has to go through dying her hair, piercing her body even doing some body modifications just to resemble a picture she saw and have herself believe that she is now pretty.
But in the process she destroys her real image.
A lot of the girls I know, did the same thing and years later they deeply regretted it.

Another thing I've been hearing is "Thigh gaps" I googled them and trust me, I laughed.
Are girls actually killing their body and health for a bit of space between their thighs? What absurdity is this?
No, you most certainly do not need a thigh gap to be pretty. So many girls have gone too far and lost a lot of weight for this and trust me, having only bones as legs is not attractive, it's abnormal and scary as hell.

Why do we always have to look down on ourselves and forget all about the gifts we have?
You don't have to be beautiful to feel confident! As a matter of fact, guys are more attracted to an average-looking girl with a confident, strong, outgoing personality than a beautiful girl with a shy personality.

Your body is not what you're measured by, it's your character that defines you from other people.

But of course, that doesn't mean you neglect your appearance. In fact, pay it attention. Apply some light make-up, style your hair and put on something beautiful clothes to boost your confidence!

And never ever let other girls or anything get to you and bring you down. Everyone has beauty inside of them, they just have to let it shine!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Be Yourself

So, I was walking in the mall the other day with my cousin and I had my Black Veil Brides shirt on. I kinda felt uneasy and like scared and kept hiding my shirt.. I guess I felt a bit insecure that people are gonna judge me on what I wear and I don't know I guess I was afraid of that. But like in the end I realized that I'm just covering what I love and what defines my personality, my likes and I hated that so I stopped hiding.
A realization hit me.

Why are most of us afraid of showing who we really are. Like, that shirt says what I like, who I am as a teenage so I shouldn't be embarrassed by it? I'm not sure "embarrassed" is the right word but it kinda describes the moment. And when I stopped hiding it, I felt kinda strong or something like I'm in control and I won't let my thoughts get the best of me. So practically what happened is that I shut that little voice in the back of my head that always keeps me caged in my insecurities. And although it's kind of an insignificant situation but it did make me learn something and that's the whole point.

You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are or what you like and stuff because that's what defines you as a person, I mean that's how you were born and you should embrace that. Nobody's like the other. Every person is different and if someone is making fun of someone else just because he differs from him then that person is a loser and simple-minded.

So, basically be who you are and unleash yourself and never let anyone put you down, don't even let your own self put you down, because you are all amazing human beings!

By the way, I got a couple of compliments on my shirt.. Oh yeah ;)

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

life worth the struggle

100 Reasons to Stay Alive~Just a friendly reminder in case you had forgotten all of the wonderful little things that makes life worth the struggle


It sucks being one of those people who don’t get a chance to go to a concert so you’d always just sit there listening to your ipod and watching concerts online and crying over your shitty luck and the scariest part is that you’ll grow up, marry and have children, then one day when you’re driving them off from school you open the radio to a classic rock station that announces the break up of one of your favorite bands when you were a teenage and you realize that most of them are old now and some have retired and you’re just sitting there cursing your life for not letting you go to a fucking concert and meet your heroes.